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About me
You don't need to know about me, it just say s that you do, but really you don't. i could put down any random stuff about nothing on here, and you would more than likely believe it. people lie on these things all the time, especially on dating sites. but any ways, the point is, you have to be smart enough to think about this stuff and at the same time realize that the person giving you the information could or could not be telling the truth, so, to put it simply, just because it says something, don't mean you have to believe it. and that's all your getting out of me; im smart.What Is Your Anime Eye Color?Hosted By theOtaku.com: Anime
Occupation: writer of all sorts
SingleAbout my collections
well, for music i like all kinds, considering that i can play three instruments, guitar, piano, and flute. metallica, linkin park, afi, disturbed, aar, drowning pool, john mellancamp, dragon force, mc hammer, coldplay, guns `n roses, red hot chillie peppers, sick puppies, p.o.d, alice cooper, nickelback, pink floyd, queen, ozzy osborne, jimmy hendrix, are all of my favorite band and people from the top of my head (the list goes on forever!!!!!) (and ever). and books i like are, not as many as i do bands, in stead ill name my most recent. twilight saga, inkheart, and demonata. all very good book series. movies are WAY too many to count, and i collect just about any game worth haveing if i can find it (nerd, gulilty as charged.)Lists
Recent reviews
Tommy Boy review

last but certainly not least in my quadruple of movies i grew up on, is tommy boy. Now, here's a movies that shows you how a colledge idiot should act, that's for sure. Chris Farley and David Spade (i thnk that's thier names, i can't tell it's been so long since i've seen it) deliver the comedy preformance that never ever ever gets old for me. being that chris FArley is dead, this has a good chance of going down as his greatest movie achivement. i just smother the scene where they set the car on fire, by god that was one of the best parts of that movie! another perfect 10 for me! go tommy boy!

Happy Gilmore review

this is the third movie that i grew up watching, happy gilmore. It just never gets old. Adam Sandler is the best when it comes to changing from a calm saint to an angry satan in les than 2 seconds. He always gets angry at little things in this movie and it's freaking hilarious. this is by far one of adam sandlers greatest comedy achivements. the one scene that i won't forget is the scene with adam and chubs: "By the way, thanks for dressing up." "Hey, if i caught myself in clothes like that i'd have to kick my own ass." I say hell yes! this movie will go down in history as one of the funniest adam sandler movies ever made, count on it!

Ace Ventura: Pet Detective review

This is one of the movies that i grew up on. ever since i was about six, i would watch this movie along with several others when i was growing up. This has to be my favorite jim carrey comedy movie. i love just everything aobut this movie. as some one said before me who i didn't take the time to read all the way because it was way too damn long, Ace Ventura is a textbook example of who an original comedy should be made, not like today's mediocker (can't spell) comedies such as knocked up and american pie. in the third scene, this tells you , or at least it should have told you, that the reast of this movie was going to be hilarious: "Ventura." "... Yes Satan? Oh i'm sorry sir, i thought you were someone else." That is just freaking hilarious i don't care who you are, where you come form, or what you do for a living. This movie in my opinion basically redifined a comedy movie. i give Ace Ventura: Pet Detective a perfect 10/10 stars. Take that scociety!

The Mask review

This movie, i grew up on this and three other movies. It was nothing but a fun and hilarious, roll on floor laughinh, piss my pants, kind of comedy. but after a while, it just becomes hilarious. i loved how jim carrey acted with the madk on, it really showed how every one has at least two sides to themselves. i would watch this all the time... i think it was the first jim carrey movie i saw. i used to call jim steve... but anyways, this was a great movie that in my opinion deserves 15/10 stars. i'm not gonna change it and you can't make me.

The Truman Show review

the thruman show, now here was a movie that showed complete originality. Jim Carrey was awesome, the idea was awesome, and the movie in general was awesome. it's deffinately one of my top ten favorite jim carrey movies. absolutly love this movie, nothing can replace it, 10/10. i'm not gonna change it an dyou can't make me.

Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King review

i love this games, its like, a great story, has funny puns every now and then, and gave me a challenge. i have not beat it yet for one reason and one only, IT TAKES FOREVER TO LEVEL UP!!!!!! Im on level 22 and I've Played for like, two days straight! That's the only problem with the game, and the fact that the main character didn't talk. but other than that, i loved this game. 10/ 10: I'm not gonna change it and you can't make me!!!

Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 FES review

An amazing game, by far. It had an excellent story to it. it was also the game that i thought was just.... well, it had so many different out comes to it. like, you could choose to be friends with this person, and then you can't with a different one. the graphics, i thought that i shouldn't have been anime, but i like it any ways. the battle system was different, unlike most games, you actually have to use your magic to win in this game. also, i loved all of the persona's looks, they were awesome! what i dislike about the persona's was that you couldn't actually play as them like i hoped. anyways, long story short, i give it a 10/10. and im not gonna change it and you can't make me.

Devil May Cry 4 review

last one! wow! well, i have not played this one yet and i will post again when i have and beaten it, but the graphics far surpass that of its triplet counter parts. the idea of this... other twin person that i do not know the name of, was great. for a while i didn't know who was who. but now i do, and i can't wait to play it!!!

Devil May Cry 2 review

this game, was the first time that i had ever played a gothic game before, it blew my mind. the graphics were awesome for ps2, the game play was like the other two that i have talked about so far (accpet 3, it had extras!) and the story just fit nice and cozy in with the other two. enough said for this game, 10/10. im not gonna change it and you can't make me.

Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening review

another friggin sweet game! game play, graphics, story, and dantes smart ass tone to all the enemies, just tickeled me. i have just reacently, like 3 minutes ago, found out that they're going to make a movie about it in 2010! alright!!!!! i found in this game that revealing who virgil was in detail was perfect. i was a little confuse in the first one. then there were the bosses, i loved the challenges and the rewards that they gave you. it was just, awesome. now, i know im a nerd and all, but no nerd could know how i feel about this, my favorite goth game. 10/10. im not gonna change it and you can't make me.

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i tried b4 but it didnt work
mean by "pm me"?
txtn, n am bored....
n u?
n u?
its funny wen my sister gets scared